Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Self-Portrait and Personal Statement

I see disturbing trends in today’s popular culture. The glorification of self-abasement that is rampant in reality TV and the eroticizing of violence and gore in film leads me to wonder just what insane entertainment our society will come up with next.

We seem to crave our fifteen minutes of fame and those of us that get it never seem to want to give it up. This need has evolved from incestuous siblings duking it out on the Jerry Springer Show to half dressed wannabe drag queens squalling on American Idol. We are plagued with shows like Fox’s More to Love and MTV's The Jersey Shore whose only claim to redemption is to allow viewers to see that their lives aren’t all that bad after all, somewhere out there is someone with less class, less talent and less pride than those watching. Paradoxically, this fuels the need, pushing thousands to try out for their chance to debase themselves in front of a camera.

This drive to be the center of attention fuels the nonsense of reality TV, leading to bizarre behavior from people who should know better, such as the parents of the now infamous balloon boy. In October of 2009 they claimed that their six year old son was trapped in a hot air balloon hoping to attract attention to their family and gain their own reality show. Their need to be famous led them to create a worldwide media hoax resulting in prison time, but I’m sure they’ll be on the next incarnation of Lockup.

As if this self-destructive drive for attention isn’t enough, TV shows and many films glorify and eroticize violence. The gore and blood fests of films such as Hannibal and The Hills have Eyes have become the new standard. With twisted minds such as Rob Zombie behind the camera we get to see everything from cannibalism to self –amputation, up close and personal, enhanced by Computer Generated effects so life like even the actors wonder if it’s real. In a culture that holds the natural intercourse between two people as a taboo subject our popular culture has replaced sex with the violence in its horror movies. With the advent of obscenly gory footage popularized by movies such as Saw, films increasingly use long panning and close up shots of bloodied victims to create a nearly pornographic sense of disgust in its audience. Cable TV shows have embraced this blood lust merrily with shows such as Starz’ Spartacus: Blood and Sand, which mixes vivid images of sex with an obscene splattering of bloody violence. This fusion of sex and violence only makes me wonder where entertainment media is going in the future.

I wonder at this future, when splatter-porn and reality TV merge to give us a reality show where two groups, one of men and one of women, battle to the death so the survivors can go on a date. Surprisingly, I don’t see this as too farfetched in a world where Jersey Shore and American Idol are considered good TV.


  1. I'm happy to say that I haven't seen most of what you talk about above. Sadly though the names were mostly familiar to me, which speaks to the power of advertising and word of mouth. I agree with your astute observation that violence has become the acceptable obscenity of our society. People see nothing wrong with death and dismemberment for breakfast. I am fully confident that your reality TV show would be a mega-hit.(But I still wouldn't watch it)

  2. I whole-heartedly enjoyed your post. I agree with your concern of the direction of reality shows and of "sexy" violence in TV and films. There is very little I want to see at theaters anymore, and I used to rush out to see mystery flicks. Even at home, I found I have to block most of my cable channels so that children visiting aren't asking me about weirdos or gore they've seen at 10 in the morning. You're right, insane entertainment!
    (By the way, glad to meet you. I'm from Salisbury also. Good luck to your graduating daughter and to you too!)

  3. Thomas, thanks for being the first to post. It was really neat. I like the way you incorporated the same "soul" image throughout your pictures. I think you did a great job!

  4. You did a great job on your pictures, editing the image of the ghost into the other pictures. It's really scary. I think that the idea of haveing a soul captured by an image taken of that person was a really good place to start with. You definitly pushes the idea to the limits in a really good way. Good job.
